Bimbos of the Death Sun
By Sharyn McCrumb

Rating: Great Laughs!

First Published: 1988
Pages: 228
Review © 2009 by Stephen Roof
Genre: Modern Fiction, Comedy, Mystery
With a title like Bimbos of the Death Sun, it’s clear that this is either an X-rated adult book or a comedy. Thankfully, it’s an entertaining lightweight comedy mystery by Sharyn McCrumb that should not be dismissed based on the over the top title. In fact, this is a book you may want to read just so that next time someone asks what book you’re currently reading, you can respond in a serious tone of voice that you’re reading Bimbos of the Death Sun.
Bimbos of the Death Sun is set at a science fiction and fantasy convention which is obviously an easy target for comedy. Nerds and geeks abound along with a featured author that sets new standards for arrogance and callousness in a celebrity. The main character, Jay Omega is a secondary guest author who was only persuaded to attend the convention as a way to promote his only novel. Jay uses a pen name in an attempt to distance his hobby writing from his serious work as an electrical engineering professor. This is especially important because the publisher of his first and only novel changed the title to Bimbos of the Death Sun. Jay is a newbie to the world of fan conventions but, fortunately, he brings his significant other, Marion, who hasn’t quite outgrown her youthful attraction to fantasy novels and role playing games.
When a murder occurs, the bizarre world of obsessed fans turns serious… well, not really. It’s a given that the police are not going to understand these people so it’s up to Jay and Marion to track down the perpetrator.
What makes the comedy in Bimbos of the Death Sun work are the elements of realistic characters and realistic situations juxtaposed against the absurd world of fan conventions. This novel isn’t just fluff, as demonstrated by the fact that it won the Edgar Award for best original paperback mystery back in 1988. Some of the topical comedy from 1988 hasn’t aged particularly well but the bulk of the comedy has remained intact. If you’re looking for a funny plunge into Geekdom, you won’t want to miss this book. I rated Bimbos of the Death Sun two and a half stars for some really good comedy but the title easily rates four stars!